About Arnold's Cove Area Chamber of Commerce
Create Partnerships Today for a Properous Tomorrow
The Arnold’s Cove Area Chamber of Commerce advocates on behalf of the business community on the Isthmus of Avalon Region of the Province. We promote and improve the business environment in the region to stimulate a vibrant local economy and produce a cooperative effort on behalf of our members and stakeholders to enhance the overall quality of life in the region to its highest potential.
Our Story
The Arnold’s Cove Area Chamber of Commerce was incorporated in the spring of 2020, after a lengthy hiatus, with the idea that the Isthmus of Avalon Region of our Province is in need of a strong and focused voice to represent the interests of business owners and operators in our area. A group of determined business and municipal leaders came together and held a series of meetings that ended up breathing new energy into the ACA Chamber.
The business organizations we represent and the communities that we served expect our Chamber to play a vital role in supporting and growing the economy of our region of the province. Our organization is dedicated to speaking with one voice on behalf of our members with a clear vision that is insightful, focused and convincing. We have rebranded and retooled our Chamber, we have updated our vision, refine our mission and reset our goals for the future ensuring that the ACA Chamber presents a clear voice for businesses on the Isthmus of Avalon Region.
Not unlike other coastal regions of the province, communities on the Isthmus of Avalon were first settled by English / Irish immigrants attracted to the area to pursue the fishing, logging, and mining industries dating back to the early 1800s. The region first experienced the impacts of heavy industry in the 1970s when the oil refinery was built in Come by Chance. Today the region is on the cusp of new industrial developments that will have a positive impact on the socio/economic constructs of the region far into the 21st century. The emergence of Braya Renewable Fuels, IMTT-Newfoundland Transhipment at Whiffen Head, the Bull Arm Fabrication Site, Vale Nickel processing plant, fish processing/harvesting and the emergence of the Aquaculture industry provide strong underpinnings to the economy of the region.
The ACA Chamber is encouraged by the level of interest shown by industry leaders attracted to the Isthmus of Avalon Region as an ideal location for the development of green hydrogen and wind turbine projects. In addition, developers of LNG continue their quest to see a significant project built at Grassy Point near Arnold’s Cove. The Bay du Nord offshore project is on a positive trajectory and the Chamber remains optimistic that the Bull Arm site will see benefits emanating from this project. These are the projects of the 21st century that lend themselves to diversifying our regional economy, providing new employment opportunities, encouraging small business growth, growing community capacity and encouraging residential growth opportunities.
We understand that seeing these proposed developments to fruition comes with their own challenges. We also understand that when faced with challenges we come together and speak with one voice holding one vision. We believe that this is a time to showcase the best of us, demonstrating that the Isthmus of Avalon has distinguished itself as a resilient, proud and determined region. The residents of this place have always stood up and stood out. The people of our communities have a history of being builders, and doers, gifted with skills and determination. Ours is a proud place with a very bright future.
We are the Arnold’s Cove Area Chamber of Commerce.
Our Chamber is committed to being a strong voice for business as we set about growing the economy of the Isthmus of Avalon!
The Greening of the Economy
In the spring of 2020, several business people in the Isthmus of Avalon area came together with the notion of re-building the Arnold's Cove Area Chamber of Commerce. It was felt that a regional Chamber of Commerce would be a valuable entity for area businesses, not-for-profit organizations and municipalities. Chambers of Commerce throughout have proven to be valuable entities advocating on behalf of businesses in regions where they are most active. The Chamber of Commerce would serve as a rallying point for area businesses, providing a safe place for business owners and operators to network, build relationships and learn from the collective of members' techniques and best practice approaches that embrace the emerging "Fifth Industrial Revolution: the greening of the economy".
Board of Directors
Dedication. Expertise. Passion
Andy Hennebury
Chantel Gosse
Roger Welsh
Vice Chariman
Ryan Wareham
Brad Forsey
John Norris
Donna Stringer
Wayne Rumsey